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Direct Talent Recruitment

Recruitment strategies are typically reactive to demands and hence lengthen the time to hire with questionable results. This adds additional cost to both the recruitment process and operational effectiveness. By introducing Direct Talent Recruitment we can save your organisation valuable time.

Who can benefit?

All organisations can benefit however we can definitely save you costs and time if:

  • You employ more than 100 people
  • Your organisation is undergoing a transformation

What is the solution?

We design and build solutions for most types of organisations whether you have a one off hiring need or require a comprehensive and on-going recruitment solution. Our experienced consultants work with you and develop multi-channel sourcing and engagement strategies, customised for each role or job family.

To ensure we reach the best talent we execute broad candidate and competitor mapping strategies using data mining techniques and headhunting skills. Your Candidates will be fully assessed and referenced with supporting interviewing reports and skills matrices.

Working with Direct Talent you can be assured of a client friend, a trusted partner who will work alongside you and share your ambitions and goals. As a vendor neutral partner the measure of our success is your success; we are fully bought in to where you want to go with no ties to agencies or consultancies who offer cost plus staffing.

How can it be implemented?

Direct Talent Recruitment projects can be implemented immediately.

It will require an initial audit to scope requirements and then typically one week long assessments of critical hire planning and employee profiling.

We can then modify the Direct Talent Pipeline or your own in house pipeline as appropriate.


What to do next?

For an initial consultation please contact us

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